get me OUT of this BOX


icon by myaamangopixel gifs by king-lulu-deerbackground gif by triforce-princess


Moth - Cal
he/him - mo/moth
Aro Bi Trans Man

I'm a self taught artist! I currently draw on an XP-Pen 15.6 Pro tablet with Medibang Paint. Specifically interested in Character Design, Animation, and making stories

Look at my Cats in Cowboy Hats!!!

mic --------- slinky


- dont be afraid to ask me to tag things!
- with credit its ok to use my art for icons and the like
- If I ever rb/rt something questionable or from someone questionable, PLEASE TELL ME! I'd have no idea otherwise
- I rt/rb lots of insects, (on tumblr) you can block "insect tag" and "moth tag" if they disturb you, generally I advise you dont follow me if they do though

- Under 15 (purely just for my own comfort)
- Anti Lgbtq+
^ - Terfs / Transmeds
^ - against Xenogenders / Neopronouns in any way
^ - believe ace/aro ppl arent inherently part of the lgbt community
^ - panphobic / biphobic
- Racist
^ - against the BLM movement
^ - support known racists
- Ableist
^ - against self diagnosis
- ship/support incest/selfcest, abusive, or pedophilic ships (Anti-Anti / Pro-Ship or whatever that bs is)

if you're not sure about something on here lmk, still trying to make this as clear as possible!


GeneralMoths☆ Crafts / Cosplay☆ Space / Science☆ Horror☆ Cryptids / Paranormal

MediaPsychonautsHLVRAIZelda Twilight Princess☆ Outer Wilds☆ Pikmin☆ Deltarune☆ Gravity Falls☆ Half Life☆ Doctor Who☆ Hollow Knight☆ Resident Evil 7/8

Fav Characters

♡ Finfin ♡♡ Darnold (HLVRAI) ♡☆ Dr. Loboto (Psychonauts) ☆☆ Rookie (Club Penguin) ☆☆ Russel (Half Life) ☆☆ Quirrel (Hollow Knight) ☆☆ Zorua / Zoroark (Pokemon) ☆

Art Commissions